| Capt. Gary Powers U-2 Spy Plane Shot Down Over Russia |
| Israelis Kidnap Adolf Eichman from Argentina to Jerusalem |
| Khrushchev at U.N . Pounds Shoe In Anger. |
| John F. Kennedy Wins Democratic Nomination, Nixon wins GOP |
| Kennedy Wins Presidency, Democrats Sweep Congress |
| Two White Public Schools in New Orleans Are The First To Integrate. |
| House Committee Looks Into "Payola" American Bandstand DJ Dick Clark Involved |
| Alan Freedman Eight Arrested In Taking Radio Payola |
| Soldiers stop riots at Newport Jazz Festival |
| Enovil 10, first contraceptive pill sold for .50 cents each. |
| Two airliners collide over Staten Island, 134 die. |
| Howdy Doody show ends after 13 years |
| Negro Sit-ins Integrate Lunch Counter In Greensboro North Carolina |
| Floyd Patterson is first fighter to regain title by beating Ingemar Johanson |
| Castro Nationalizes all American property |
| Black runner Wilma Rudolph wins 3 Olympic gold medals |
| Kennedy and Nixon meet in first televised Presidential debate |
| Emily Post, Queen of etiquette dies |