| Pope John XXIII Dies, Pope Paul VI Is Elected |
| 250,000March For Civil Rights In Washington. |
| Kennedy Assassinated in Dallas |
| Lee Harvey Oswald Arrested, Lyden Johnson Takes Oath 0f Office |
| Texan Jack Ruby Shots Oswald During Live News Coverage |
| Soviet Missiles Out Of Cuba, Troops Will Stay |
| N.Y. News Papers Struck For 114 Days |
| Supreme Court Decides Poor Must Have Lawyers |
| Governor George Wallace Is Adamant On Race As Negroes Resist |
| Kennedy Sends Troops To Calm Alabama |
| Sniper Kills Negro Leader Medgar Evers |
| Aldous Huxley dies |
| Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds" is a big hit. |
| Valium is introduced by Roche Labs |
| Beatles have there first big success, "I Want To Hold our Hand" |
| First metal tennis Introduced |
| Celtics win fifth straight NBA title |
| Soviet Union puts first women in space |
| Martin Luther King "I Have A Dream" |
| Greatest train robbery, England, 5 million in cash and jewels In 15 minutes |
| Direct "HOTLINE" between Washington and Moscow operational |